Our Sustainability

Our Place

Our cheese is inextricably connected to the land underfoot, and to the coastal Atlantic climate, and to the people that live and work with us here in West Cork. Durrus Cheese continues to be made in the rural valley setting in Coomkeen where it was first made over 45 years ago. Our sense of place on - and within this landscape - is as much an ingredient in our cheese as are the gallons of creamy Cow's milk that flow through out copper vat throughout the year.

Durrus Cheese Dairy

Durrus Cheese churns and flowers

Our Milk

Our cheese is inextricably connected to the land underfoot, and to the coastal Atlantic climate, and to the people that live and work with us here in West Cork. Durrus Cheese continues to be made in the rural valley setting in Coomkeen where it was first made over 45 years ago. Our sense of place on - and within this landscape - is as much an ingredient in our cheese as are the gallons of creamy Cow's milk that flow through our copper vat throughout the year.

Natural Habitats

We believe in the importance of encouraging a balance between the natural habitats that preserve biodiversity and a working agricultural landscape. In recent years, we planted over 2500 trees of native Irish species, such as Oak, Birch, Alder and Scot's Pine. These future woodlands, as well as our 1 hectare of wetland habitats will serve as havens for native plants, insects, birds and wild animals for years to come.

Oak tree in Durrus Cheese field

Durrus Cheese Dairy Building

Our Energy

The running of a dairy business requires energy input that is essential to our operations. We have 16 Solar PV panels in operation, and installed on the roof of the old milking parlour. The energy capacity of these solar panels is significantly high enough to satisfy most of our electricity demands throughout the seasons.

Origin Green Logo

Origin Green Gold Member

As a family run business creating a handmade artisanal food product, it has always been our ethos to work with our environment, enhancing and seeking to make a positive impact upon it. Being part of Origin Green has allowed us to quantify that and to continually improve on how we do it. We were honoured to receive Gold Membership Status in 2021, and we continue to strive to improve our sustainable practices in quality food production.

Durrus Cheese Churns

“As a small family-run business creating a handmade artisanal dairy food product, it has always been our ethos to work with our environment, enhancing and seeking to make a positive impact upon it”  Durrus Cheese